Hanwha Corporation is growing faster than ever as a global company now, with endless innovations and growth in both business and technology. We proudly introduce you to the present and the future of Hanwha corporation, which continues our journey towards a more sustainable future.

Ethical Management

Hanwha Corporation has been dedicated to our nation and society and has grown with the people since our establishment,
and we practice the Righteous Management to create a sound and fair corporate culture and to secure the trust of our stakeholders.

Ethics & Compliance Management

Hanwha Corporation has been dedicated to our nation and society and has grown with the people since our establishment,
and we practice the Righteous Management to create a sound and fair corporate culture and to secure the trust of our stakeholders.

Code of Ethics Compliance Policy - Employee Practice Guidelines - Work guidelines by issue and region

Hanwha Corporation prepared the Compliance Policy and Code of Ethics containing our ethical and compliance values in order to im-plement fair and transparent work practices.
We also enacted the Employee Practice Guidelines that further concrete these values so that all employees may appreciate the importance of compliance in all aspects of work and daily life and participate in practicing compliance management.

하기 내용 참조

Compliance Officer

  • Conduct compliance training and inspection on compliance with compliance regulations of executives and employees
  • Report compliance activity plan and results to the Board of Directors and CEO
  • Appoint Compliance General Managers & Compliance Managers to supervise business practice
  • Positioned in the department under the direct supervision of the CEO for transparency in compliance support work, guaranteed independent work performance

Compliance General Manager & Compliance Manager

  • Compliance General Manager: Operate and manage compliance control activities for each division through supervision of Compliance Managers in each Division and department
  • Compliance Manager: Implement compliance control activities according to the direction of the Compliance Officer and Compliance General Managers


Compliance Control is a series of policies and guidelines implemented for the purpose of guiding our directors and employees to abide by applicable laws and regulations and optimize company’s management.

Related Laws and Regulation
Commercial Act §542-13 Enforcement Decree of the Commercial Act §39
Hanwha Corporation’s Compliance Policy Hanwha Corporation’s Compliance Plan

Hanwha Corporation has established a compliance management structure and is continuously improving the system to effectively engage in all related tasks.
We manage compliance activities within our organization through the procedures of prevention-implementation check-reporting and effectiveness evaluation
and support necessary ethics and compliance activities in various areas such as fair trade, personal information protection,
employee human rights, and anti-corruption.

Preventive Activity

Hanwha Corporation strives to create an ethical work environment by implementing on/off-line ethic and compliance education for executives and employees. We also produced and distributed guides for each compliance issue to be referenced when conducting work, and provided related education to enhance the capacity and expertise of our employees.

Implementation Check

The Compliance Managers implement periodic compliance control inspections using the compliance control checklist, the Compliance General Managers report the inspection results to the Compliance Officer. If violations are discovered, the Compliance General Managers report to the Compliance Officer and implements corrective measures. If deficiencies are discovered as a result of Spot Checks on major legal issues, we distribute guidelines/checklists to employees for preventive action.

Reporting & Effectiveness Evaluation

The Compliance Officer reports major compliance issues and countermeasures, major compliance control results and future compliance control plans to the Board of Directors and the CEO. We conduct effectiveness evaluations through law firms or other external legal institutions to check whether our compliance regulations and systems are effectively designed and operated.

  • Operation of a Compliance Reporting Channel

    Hanwha Corporation operates an online compliance Hot-Line system that allows employees or anyone to report illegal or unfair acts that occur in the business environment or in the course of employees’ work. In addition, we also have an internal reporting system that allows employees to immediately report human rights violations and unethical behavior, such as workplace harassment and sexual harassment to the appointed person in charge of such affairs.

  • Spreading a Culture of Compliance

    Hanwha Corporation strives to create a healthier industrial ecosystem by spreading the compliance management culture. For instance, we send out CEO’s compliance management letters reflecting our strong will regarding righteous management to our employees and also support our suppliers with educational programs on the Subcontracting Act and Occupational Safety and Health Act and training related expenses.

  • Declaration of Fair Trade Compliance

    Hanwha Corporation enacted the Four Fair Trade Guidelines in 2013 to establish a strong trust relationship and achieve mutually sustainable growth through fair trade with our suppliers. We then revised and reenacted the Guidelines to a more detailed Four Fair Trade Practice Guidelines in 2018. Based on our four Practice Guidelines, we operate a department dedicated to promoting fair trade in our businesses to grow 'further together' with our suppliers, and continuously push toward fair trade compliance by raising autonomous awareness on fair trade of our employees and regularly examining supplier transactions.