Hanwha Corporation is growing faster than ever as a global company now, with endless innovations and growth in both business and technology. We proudly introduce you to the present and the future of Hanwha corporation, which continues our journey towards a more sustainable future.



Compliance Officer

  • Supervise working-level efforts of Compliance General managers and Compliance Managers of each Compliance Control Unit.
  • In order to guarantee independence, the Compliance Officer shall only act under the direction of the Board of Directors or the Representative Director.
    (§542-13⑨ of the Commercial Act; Compliance Control Policy §10②)
  • Directors and employees have the responsibility to respond in good faith to the Compliance Officer’s demand for submission of materials or information and testimony.

Compliance General Manager & Compliance Manager

  • Compliance Officer appoints Compliance General Managers and Compliance Managers for each division, and recommends The Human Resources to assign them as a Compliance General Manager and a Compliance Manager.
  • Compliance General Manager execute compliance control activities under the direction of Compliance Officer, and generally manages and oversees Compliance Managers of the relevant division or headquarter.
  • Compliance Manager execute compliance control activities under the direction of Compliance Officer and Compliance General Manager.